No more sneak peeks, we've got you covered!


In order to qualify, you must be an established retailer, screen printer, embroiderer, decorator or promotional products company, as well as have a valid tax ID and state resellers permit. Required fields are marked with a *.

First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail *
Phone *

Please enter your company information.
Company Name *
Tax ID Number *
Company Description
Please provide details of which best describes your company and business type, such as a list of brands you carry, which category your business is applicable to being a specialty chain, department store, boutique, Ecommerce or Catalog Retail, and all other relevant information that best describes the nature of your business.

Please answer these questions about your business.
What business type best describes your business?
How did you hear about SNUG?
Will the products be decorated?
Years in Business: (if less than 1 year, provide number of months your business has been operational) Years Months

Billing Address: The billing address you enter here will be used as the billing address for all orders you place.
Billing Address
Address *
Postal Code *
City *
Country *
State/Province *
Shipping Address (leave empty if same as billing)
Zip Code

* Please submit completed application with the following information below in a PDF format. Documentation showing wholesale status, relevant documentation pertaining to your business type, such as a copy of your Reseller ID Certification, business license, line sheets or photos of your store.